About us

About us2024-02-13T14:49:19+00:00

Maths is such an essential subject to master

Calculators have taken up most of the hard work our minds did a generation ago, but knowing how mathematical concepts work and how to apply them in the real world is still important. At Heroes of the Math, your student can get access to skilled tutors across all primary and high school level maths (and beyond if they want extension work). It’s the easy way for them to master a fundamental skill that will help them throughout life.

Maths is such an essential subject to master

Calculators have taken up most of the hard work our minds did a generation ago, but knowing how mathematical concepts work and how to apply them in the real world is still important. At Heroes of the Math, your student can get access to skilled tutors across all primary and high school level maths (and beyond if they want extension work). It’s the easy way for them to master a fundamental skill that will help them throughout life.

Our philosophy

We believe

Everybody has the right to read, write and calculate, they just need to be taught properly.

Resolved gaps in foundational learning can have lifelong impacts on your child. In building confidence, self-esteem and providing results for your child.

All children can succeed if given the right support. Learning can be fun.


We teach maths in a way that makes sense to your child

Whether your child is struggling in mathematics or ahead of the rest of the class, we will personalise a learning programme to meet his or her exact needs. These programmes take the mystery and scariness out of maths by using games and other engaging resources backed by one-on-one help from helpful and understanding tutors.

No matter where you child is at, we can help

Our programmes and methods have proven successful with Year 1 – 13 students, no matter what their abilities and attitudes. They are designed to:

  • support children struggling with maths
  • extend able students to reach their full potential
  • coach for internal and external exams
  • provide specialised maths tuition
  • bring maths to life

Guess who just passed their exam with flying colours?

Nothing makes a parent prouder than seeing your child successful and happy, especially at exam time But sometimes your child may need a little extra help to catch up or achieve their full potential. That’s why we at Heroes of the Math invite you to enrol your child for our Pre-exam Programme, tailored to your child’s needs. Over the last couple of years, we have helped over 100 students achieve their goals and set themselves on a path to future success. We’d love to help your child do the same.

On the path to mastery, it pays to start early

Confidence is a key factor in achieving success in maths and confidence comes through mastery. In maths, learners must master each skill in order to progress proficiently to the next, more advanced skill. When this incremental learning is not achieved, gaps in mathematical knowledge can occur which may compromise the learner’s mathematical development for life. That’s why it is never too early to set your child on the path to mastery, starting with the basic facts that underpin more advanced mathematics.

Our unique approach makes it easier for your child to master maths and achieve their study goals.

If your child is finding maths difficult, or doesn’t like the subject, we can change that. At Heroes of the Math, we know that the simplification of concepts, along with personalised and passionate maths tuition, is the key to growing confidence and ability. When kids are engaged and enjoying what they are studying, they will do better. It’s really that simple.

‘Our vision is to see more children enjoy learning, succeed with their study and set themselves up for success in life.’

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